We recognize that it’s important to understand how your current institution credits will transfer to Georgia Tech. This page offers additional information and resources to understand our transfer credit policies.
The Georgia Tech transfer equivalency table lists all coursework and institutions (domestic and international) currently evaluated for transfer credit by our academic colleges. Students can search transfer credit by institution, subject area and term. The Georgia Tech Registrar’s Office manages and updates the table on a regular basis.
Accredited colleges or coursework not listed on the table will require an academic review by Georgia Tech faculty after admission but not during the application review process.
Collegiate credits earned as part of a dual enrollment or early college program can satisfy course requirements by major and receive transfer credit after review of the transfer equivalency table.
Transferring to Georgia Tech requires fulfillment of two English Composition courses equivalent to Tech’s ENGL 1101 and 1102. If you have additional questions about the English Composition course requirements after reviewing the transfer equivalency table, please review the FAQs below.
The basic policy regarding the acceptance of the courses by transfer is to allow credit for courses completed with satisfactory grades (C or better) in other accredited U.S. colleges, provided the courses correspond in time and content to courses offered at Georgia Tech. International coursework is subject to review and transfer credit may be awarded on a case-by-case basis. For more information, review our credit policies.
An official transfer credit evaluation is available to admitted students prior to FASET Orientation. Georgia Tech will notify admitted students in their admission portal and provide instructions on how to submit a credit evaluation request for coursework not listed on Tech’s transfer equivalency table.
The course syllabus must include a course description, weekly schedule, topics covered, and textbook/resources used for it to be reviewed. Some departments (ex. Computer Science) may require examples of assignments to show proficiency and will request this information during the review process. GT Registrar’s Office will not review courses prior to an offer of admission or incomplete course syllabus submissions. Georgia Tech recommends students save each course syllabus in case a credit evaluation request is required.
Credit by exam awarded by another college or university can satisfy course requirements by major if the course credit is listed on the official college transcript and transferable on the Georgia Tech transfer equivalency table.
The course name, code, and credit hours for each course credit award must be on the official college transcript. If it is not on the official transcript, then credit is subject to Georgia Tech’s Credit, Tests, and Score requirements.
Credit by exam listed on a previous institution's transcript will only be awarded at the time of admission to Georgia Tech. Once a student matriculates to Georgia Tech, all test credit is subject to Georgia Tech's Credit, Tests, and Score requirements listed in the catalog.
Contact the Registrar’s Office at your institution to determine if credit by exam is listed by individual course on the official transcript. If it is not and your institution will not provide an updated official transcript with each course credit award, then official test scores will be required and subject to GT Credit, Tests, and Score requirements.
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