Please read through our frequently asked questions, found below.
Complete the Waitlist Offer Reply Form, which is available now in your admission portal, by April 6, 2025.
If you no longer want to be considered for first-year admission, visit your admission portal to cancel your application to Georgia Tech.
Looking for more insight into the waitlist at Georgia Tech? Check out our Admission Blog, where we discuss all kinds of waitlist-related topics and questions.
What does it mean if my admission decision is “waitlist"?
In reviewing your application, it was clear you would be an excellent student at Georgia Tech. However, due to our incoming class size we are unable to accept every student who is capable of being successful on campus. Each year some students who are offered admission do not accept their space. If we do not meet our class goal, we will evaluate our waitlist to fill our class.
How do I get on the waitlist?
Students who are offered a place on the waitlist need to accept or decline their place on the waitlist by April 6, 2025 by logging into their admission portal and submitting the Waitlist Offer Reply Form.
Am I committing to attend Georgia Tech if I accept my spot on the waitlist?
No. Accepting your spot on the waitlist does not commit you to Georgia Tech in any way. If we offer you admission, you will have the option to decide if you would like to accept your place in the first-year class and enroll at Georgia Tech.
Does Georgia Tech rank the waitlist?
No. Georgia Tech does not use a ranking system to make offers from the waitlist. We will offer admission to students from the waitlist in an effort to complete our class to meet institutional needs and priorities.
Can I submit my mid-year report?
Yes. Once you accept your place on the Waitlist by submitting the Waitlist Offer Reply Form, you will be prompted to self-report mid-term grades via your Admission Portal checklist. If we have already received your mid-year report, you will not be prompted as this request has been satisfied.
Can students on the waitlist submit additional information?
The Waitlist Offer Reply Form provides you the opportunity to share all additional information we need to make an admission decision. To ensure all students have the same opportunity, information contained on this form is the only additional information we will review. Letters of Continued Interest (LOCI) are not considered.
Can students on the waitlist send letters of recommendation?
No. Only letters of recommendation originally submitted with your application will be considered.
Can students on the waitlist schedule an interview with someone in the admission office?
No. Interviews are not part of the admission process at Georgia Tech.
How many students are on the waitlist?
In 2024, 6,481 students were offered the option to join the waitlist, and 4,471 chose to join.
How many students are accepted off the waitlist?
Every year is different, and we cannot predict this year. We have had years where we have offered several hundred students a spot in the first-year class, and years where we have not been able to offer a space to anyone. As an example, in recent years we have offered admission to as few as 50 and as many as 1,250 students on the waitlist. Ultimately, the waitlist serves to complete our class if our initial offers do not do so by the deposit deadline.
Will students on the waitlist be considered for summer and fall terms?
Yes. We will offer students admission from the waitlist to both summer and fall terms and any other special programs that have remaining space, such as the First-year Semester Abroad program. When you complete the offer reply form, you will be given the opportunity to indicate whether or not you are willing to begin in a term or program other than fall. If you are offered admission to a term other than fall, that will be your only opportunity to enroll at Georgia Tech.
When will students on the waitlist know if they will be offered admission?
May 1 is the deposit deadline and we likely will not know if we have met our class goals until then. Students will be contacted by phone, text, and email if space is available for them.
If you do not contact students until after the deposit deadline, how will I be able to make a deposit on time?
Students who are on the waitlist should make a deposit at another college or university. Georgia Tech will provide students a specific date by which to deposit if they are offered admission from the waitlist.
Are students accepted from the waitlist considered for financial aid?
Students who are waitlisted should continue to complete the financial aid application process with the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid, including any requested documents from their office, to ensure the financial aid file is completed if the student is offered admission from waitlist.
Please note: Financial Aid is likely to be limited for students offered a space from the waitlist, and we encourage students to consider other ways to pay for college in addition to financial aid.
Will students accepted from the waitlist get campus housing?
The current housing priority assignment system prioritizes first-year students. First-year students who apply by June 30 will receive a random room selection time ticket to select their room in July. If an incoming first-year student applies after June 30, they will be assigned to a space in the order their application is received.
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