Students who apply for first-year admission will receive one of the following admission decisions. As noted on our application, all first-year students will be considered for both summer and fall terms. More than 700 first-year students began their Georgia Tech education in the summer term.
Admitted first-year students for fall have until the deposit deadline to choose to attend Georgia Tech, whether they applied Early Action or Regular Decision. Students admitted to the fall term may opt to begin in the summer term by attending any of our summer programs.
Each year 700 students in our first-year class begin in the summer term. First-year students admitted to the summer term enroll in the Ignite Summer Launch Program, which begins mid-June. Students admitted to summer may not move their enrollment to fall unless they are admitted to Challenge or First-Year Semester Abroad. Like students admitted for fall, those admitted for summer have until the deposit deadline to choose whether or not to attend Tech.
Students admitted to the First-year Semester Abroad (FYSA) program will begin studies at Georgia Tech in a special, late summer session in Atlanta, then head abroad for the first fall semester. This program leverages Tech’s global campuses and programs to provide a high-quality, experiential learning opportunity for incoming first-year students to internationalize their college career right from the start.
Some Early Action applicants may have their application deferred to our Regular Decision admission round. Deferred students should submit a fall term transcript with grades and the Deferred Supplemental Form. Deferred students receive a decision with Regular Decision applicants in March.
A limited number of students will be offered a place on Tech's first-year waitlist. Students on the waitlist are those to whom we would like to offer admission but do not have space available. While we offer admission to more students than we need for our class size, not all those students will choose to enroll at Tech. The waitlist provides a group of strong students who could fill any remaining spots in the first-year class.
Some students who are not offered first-year admission will be offered a transfer pathway. Transfer pathways provide an opportunity to transfer to Georgia Tech after attending another college for the prescribed length of time.
First-year applicants who receive this decision are not offered admission to Georgia Tech. If a student who applied for Early Action is denied, they may not reapply during our Regular Decision round. Students who are not offered first-year admission may consider whether or not applying as a transfer student in the future is the best option for them.
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