Talent Initiative Pathway Program

Georgia Tech is committed to expanding access and reducing financial barriers for students. As part of this strategic initiative and the American Talent Initiative, first-year applicants not offered admission may receive a Talent Initiative Pathway offer. Students who apply to transfer and meet all the requirements of the Talent Initiative Pathway program below will receive an offer of transfer admission for the specific term and academic major.

Computer Science Major Restriction
All Georgia Tech majors except for Computer Science are eligible for students when applying to transfer as part of the Talent Initiative Pathway program. Due to high CS demand, we use a selective, holistic review process that considers a variety of comparative factors as part of the admission selection process for all CS transfer applicants.

Enrolling at Georgia Tech via the Transfer Initiative Pathway is not a guarantee of eligibility for student financial aid. The application for financial aid is a separate application process that all applicants are encouraged to complete by established deadlines. Eligibility for any financial aid is determined annually.

Pathway Requirements

To receive an offer of transfer admission through the Talent Initiative Pathway, you must:

  1. Submit a Transfer Application
    Submit a fall transfer application by the deadline. Applicants to Architecture or Music Technology must submit a portfolio for review by faculty as part of their application. Admission to the Music Technology program also requires portfolio approval.

    Start Your Application

  2. Complete Course Requirements by Major
    Review the course requirements by major chart below and complete the minimum course requirements for your intended major by the course requirement deadline. GT’s transfer equivalency table and GT catalog are your two best sources of course information for transfer credit purposes.

    Course Requirements by Major

  3. Complete Credit Hour Requirements (after HS graduation)
    Complete a minimum of 30 semester hours (or 45 quarter credits) after high school graduation at a U.S. regionally accredited college by May 30. Dual enrollment credits and credit by exam hours should not be included within the 30-semester hour or 45-quarter credit hour requirement.

  4. Submit Your Transcript(s)
    Ssubmit your official transcript(s) by the document deadline. If you’ve attended more than one college, request an official transcript from each one be sent to Georgia Tech. Check with your institution to make sure credit by exam awards are listed by individual course on your official transcript. If credit by exam scores are not listed, then official test scores (AP/IB) are required by Georgia Tech.

    Document Submission Options

  5. Meet GPA and Grade Requirements (effective December 1, 2024)
    Earn a cumulative GPA of 3.5 (or higher) and B grades (or higher) in all college coursework. Review our GPA page to review how we evaluate GPA and other important information. Students receiving a transfer pathway program offer after December 1, 2024, with a C grade or lower in Dual Enrollment coursework will be reviewed holistically and may not be admitted as a pathway applicant.

    Meet GPA Requirements (Talent Initiative Pathway offers received before December 2024)
    Earn a cumulative GPA of 3.3 or higher and a combined math/lab science GPA of 3.3 or higher. The cumulative GPA includes coursework taken at all colleges and/or universities attended.  The math/lab science GPA includes a combination of mathematics courses at the calculus level and higher along with all natural science courses including both lecture and laboratory components. Lab science subject areas include Biology, Chemistry, Calculus-Based Physics, and Environmental Sciences.

Have Questions?

For more information about Georgia Tech’s Transfer Pathway offers and requirements, review our answers to some frequently asked questions.

Review Pathway FAQs